
Retirement Investment

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Retirement Plan

Retirement funds, also known as pension funds, are investment options that allow an individual to save a certain portion of their income for their retirement. These funds offer a regular source of finance after one retires; a retiree receives annuity on their investment until their demise.

Dramatic advances in healthcare have extended the lives of people in, predominantly, first-world and developed countries. That means that without adequate personal savings and/or pensions, people could easily outlive their retirement funds.

In times of economic downturn retirees may choose to "come out of retirement" and re-enter the workforce on a seasonal, part-time or full-time basis to earn income and obtain benefits, especially costly health insurance coverage.

Think Topholm Capital when you think retirement. We have well structured retirement portfolio designed to suit each unique investor. Our vision for you is to retire and never worry about running out of money.


How Does It Work

A pension plan is a retirement plan that requires an employer to make contributions into a pool of funds set aside for a worker's future benefit. The pool of funds is invested on the employee's behalf, and the earnings on the investments generate income to the worker upon retirement.

Retirement Plans



Minimum Amount : $500

Maximum Amount : Unlimited

10% Referral Bonus

Always Available